JIN officially 2008(www.ayojin.com)
JIN officially 2008(www.ayojin.com)
I would like to introduce an awesome guy here.
He's named JIN
He is born in Miami.But, he is a chinese?doubt?
Obviously, he is ABC.
Many people would not what does ABC really mean.
It's not a code, it just means American Born Chinese.
He is my favourite rapper and i'd been set up he is my role model.
He is the one who inspire me to write the poem,my isu project!
i had learned so much from his music and his lyrics....
basically,most of his song are talking about his life and social issues.
That's why i said he'd learned a lot from him.
Do you have enough interesting to know more about him?
You can view his blog on www.ayojin.com
Don't hesitate to do so, be quick!^^